List of All Non Carbonated Energy Drinks

non carbonated energy drinks

Sometimes you want a cold, refreshing dose of energy without the carbonation. Carbonation can make you bloated and gassy, not exactly the most desirable feeling. This is especially the case before a run or workout.

Energy drinks are so popular that there are a seemingly endless number of options. While most are indeed carbonated, there are numerous non carbonated versions if you know what to look for.

Some brands listed, like Celsius, offer carbonated and non-carbonated flavors. It’s important to look for the word sparkling on the can or check the ingredients for carbonated water to make sure you’re buying the correct version.

For clarification all energy drinks listed contain caffeine, so drinks like Body Armour will not be found. Also, energy shots like 5 hour energy are not considered energy drinks for the sake of this article. Some drinks contain listed calories and sugar while others do not. Consult the nutrition facts panel if you’re looking for specifics.

The more popular the brand listed, the easier it will be to find. Energy drinks can be found in most supermarkets and convenience stores. Also, certain stores may only carry certain flavors. Health and supplement stores are your best bet if you’re looking for a specific flavor, as they usually have a more expansive product line.

In addition, all drinks listed are RTD (ready-to-drink) versions and not pre-workout powders.

Sean Felenczak

Sean Felenczak is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Nutrition Coach. He graduated from Rutgers University in 2011 and has worked in the dietary supplement industry for nearly 10 years.

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